By: Lila-Rose Macleay

Hi my name is Lila Rose Macleay and in this post, I'm going to sharing what I do everyday during this whole corona virus.
Now, let's first start by saying when the Coronavirus started, I hated it. I thought I was going to be stuck in my house with nothing to do! But now that I think of it, there are so many things that I doubt I would've done if it weren't for the virus.
This blog is an example! I signed up to do this because I love writing, of course, but also because I wanted to do something good inside while the outside world wasn't doing too well. And, I got so much done! I'm in a group with teens and we're writing to help other teens who are going through this whole Coronavirus. Even though it's not that bad for some teens, others were not able to graduate and nobody likes to miss a graduation - I know I wouldn't!
Anyways, on a more positive note, many good things have happened during the Coronavirus period.
The biggest that comes to mind is that I got a new loft bed. It opens up the room a lot and it changed everything. It's all white and there are drawers and a hanging area at the bottom instead of a bed.
I've been able to renovate my house a lot with my family and it's been going great!!
I have heard that all my friends are so tired of staying home and doing nothing. They're saying that the Coronavirus was not as good as how I described my experience. But, for me, I don't get it! It's true that you weren't seeing your friends at school anymore, but that doesn't stop you from calling them!
A lot of my friends really aren't liking this pandemic, but in my experience, I don't have many bad things to say about it. All I can say is that it wasn't the best with the masks and the hand sanitizer every time you walk into another store, but besides that it really wasn't bad.
At the end of the day, it wasn't the end of the world. If it was, it would really be THE END OF THE WORLD, and it's not! So, this situation can be worse, and as long as we have our family by our side, that's what matters most.