By: Kayla Palamara

Hi I'm Kayla I'm 12 years old, I just graduated elementary school. In this blog I'll give you some tips for someone in school.
Before I go on let me tell you, yes I did just graduate but that doesn't mean I know every answer to your question.
The most important part about school is finding a group of friends who you can be yourself around. Ones who you can still be friends with even if you get in a fight. And fighting is perfectly fine, you can't agree with everything. You just need to remember how you guys became friends in the first place.
Many people have worries in school. Here are a few:
1. Popularity
Some kids and teens worry that they "need to be popular to be cool." Some kids/teens don't act like themselves so they can get invited to the popular group.
Being popular means you have a lot of friends, but say I think three or four friends is the perfect amount. That way you can all hang together and they will all be your close friends.
2. Being picked on / Having the feeling that people are making fun of you
So what if other people think what you're doing is weird? Your true friends will think that you look cool and wish to be your friend. Don't worry about what others think about you. You know that you're a good person. You know who you are.
3. Worrying that I won’t make friends!
For me, I think this is the biggest worry we can go through.
All my friends are going to a different high school, so I'm starting from scratch. I'm worried that I won't make friends.
When you start something new like camp, school, etc. and you're trying to make friends, it can be scary. You don't know how they act. They can be mean, nice, accepting or judgmental.
Here are some things you can do to feel better:
Be yourself. Then, your friends will warm up to you and be themselves around you too.
If you do something weird and you think they're judging, it's not that bad. They probably don't care as much as you are worrying about it.
When you're starting something new, you most likely want to get some friends, but try not to be shy or wait for someone to come to you. You have to be brave and go meet some people.
I hope you enjoyed my tips.